Tuesday, December 3, 2013

WWE Raw Results (12/2/13) Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

WWE Monday Night Raw comes to us this week from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma and we kick things off with CM Punk making his way out to the ring. We see footage from last week’s attack on Punk courtesy of The Shield. Back in the arena, Punk has mic in hand as the crowd chants “CM Punk”. Punk says for a week he’s been trying to figure out why The Shield attacked him and he finally figured it out. He wants to be wrong this one time.  Last week, he committed the cardinal sin of criticizing Triple H which he doesn’t feel was a big deal. Then later in the show, he was attacked by The Shield. He hopes that attack was a coincidence because he wants nothing to do with The Authority. Punk says Triple H isn’t dense enough to kick a hornet’s nest. He hopes he’s wrong, but if he’s not then he calls The Authority a group of the stupidest people. Stephanie comes out and says she hopes Punk and the WWE Universe had a good thanksgiving. Stephanie says no people are bigger advocates of free speech than her family. Her husband is a founding father of DX and to attack Punk for calling Triple H a bad name is beneath them. They’ve grown up. And it’s so easy for Punk to point the finger at The Authority. They were just as surprised as he was by The Shield’s attack. Punk’s not believing it. Stephanie says she has bigger things to worry about such as the contract signing for TLC. But if Punk has any questions he can address them to The Director Of Operations. Kane. Kane comes out and says after his findings, the results support Stephanie and absolves The Shield of any wrongdoing. Punk calls Kane an asskisser. Kane says not to take this lightly and Punk tells Kane not to antagonize him. Kane says they are not the enemy. Punk says since Kane took his mask off and sold out, he should walk down to the ring and get knocked out. Punk gives him an option of either getting knocked out or put to sleep. The Shield then make their way out to the ring and Punk grabs a couple of steel chairs throwing them into the ring. Stephanie tells The Shield to stop. She will not have a repeat of last week and says CM Punk is to be respected and admired. Kane then adds “...and challenged.” Kane then says at TLC, CM Punk will be in a handicap match against The Shield.

-Commercial 8:11-

#1 Contender’s Match: Damien Sandow vs Dolph Ziggler

Quick roll up by Ziggler, dropkick to Sandow. Ziggler with a clothesline. Ziggler going for the ZigZag. Sandow shakes him  off and goes to the outside. Baseball slide by Ziggler. Sandow bounces Ziggler’s face off the ring steps and Sandow in control of the match throwing Ziggler back in. Knee strikes by Sandow. Russian legsweep and Cobito Acquiet by Sandow. Slam to Ziggler. Moonsault missed by Sandow. Ziggler with a DDT. Sandow misses with the clothesline but Ziggler connects with the splash in the corner. Neckbreaker to Sandow. Sandow misses with the neckbreaker. Ziggler hits The Famouser. Ziggler to the top rope and Sandow knocks him down and hits the You’re Welcome for the three count

The winner of the match: Damien Sandow

-Commercial 8:22-

The Bellas & Natalya vs Tamina, AJ & Summer Rae

Back from break, A.J. was shown skipping around the ring, prompting the announcers to re-introduce Big E.'s Skip-It comment from the opening match. After the bell sounded, A.J. continued to get in her cardio skipping around the ring while her partners struggled with the "Total Divas." The non-Total Divas made a comeback, but couldn't put away the Total Divas. Mainly because their offense was off. A.J. eventually skipped her way into the ring, where Natalya rolled her up for a quick three count.

The winners of the match: The Bellas & Natalya

-Commercial 8:23-

Back in the arena, Justin Roberts gave a formal introduction to "Bad News Barrett," who was shown ringside at the Mystery GM Podium. Barrett said he has some good news and bad news. The good news - they are live on Raw. The bad news - they are stuck in an arena full of hillbillies and overweight miscreants who had to name their city after their state just so they could remember it. "#BADNEWSBARRETT" flashed on the screen, making the JBL & Cole Show gig that much less cool

Backstage: Randy Orton was shown talking to Raw GM Brad Maddox. Orton forced an apology for not being sympathetic to his past injures. So, now he would like Brad to do something for him. Orton told Brad to tell The Authority to recognize him as the greatest star of all-time and bigger than WWE. "You tell them," Orton told Brad, who sold concern over these instructions.

-Commercial 8:42-

Daniel Bryan vs Erick Rowan

The announcers played up Bryan not being 100 percent after being "kidnapped" last week on Raw. Bryan woke up a crowd taken out of the action with Yes! kicks, then the announcers stumbled over themselves discussing a cryptic tweet from Bray Wyatt earlier in the day. Rowan overpowered Bryan leading to a mid-match commercial.


Back from break, Lawler tried to hype Rowan as a monster while Cole speculated on Bryan's physical and psychological condition this week. In the ring, Bryan ran into a clothesline, then rolled to the outside to recover as Harper stalked Bryan. Back in the ring, Rowan covered Bryan for a two count, then moved his head from side to side to try to sell evil thoughts. Rowan followed with a boot to the side of the head to continue slowing down the pace. And another. Rowan continued to work on Bryan as JBL predicted for the Year 2014 that Bryan will join the Wyatts and become Daniel Wyatt. It begs the question of why Wyatt's henchmen go by their maiden names of Rowan and Harper. Bryan finally made a comeback just before the top of the hour, but Rowan cut him off on the outside. Back in the ring, Bryan came back with a missile dropkick that energized the crowd. Bryan followed with Yes! kicks to the chest before trying a running knee, but Rowan blocked. Rowan delivered a big corner boot, then tried to press-slam Bryan, but Bryan slipped out the trap door and rolled up Rowan for the pin and the win.

The winner of the match: Daniel Bryan

Post Match: Harper and Rowan pushed each other around to sell frustration over the loss. Suddenly, the Wyatt Interruption was cued. From the video screen, Bray Wyatt told Rowan and Harper to stand down. He told Bryan they won't hurt him unless he tells them to. Bray continued that he has done a lot of horrible things to a lot of good people. But, he viewed Daniel Bryan wrongly - he thought he was a minuscule creature chasing an unattainable goal. But, now he sees the monster inside Bryan. He said "they" can't love Bryan the way he can. He said they can be a force to bring The Machine to its knees. Bray told Bryan to open his eyes. The feed cut out and Raw cut to break

-Commercial 9:03-

Backstage: Kane approaches Daniel Bryan and tells him since he and Punk are friends. Daniel should be treated equally and since Punk is in a handicap match vs The Shield at TLC, Daniel Bryan will be in handicap match vs all three Wyatts

Xavier Woods & R-Truth vs Tons Of Funk

Woods start out against Clay. A dropkick to Clay. Clay catches Woods and plants him with a series of slams. Woods in Tons Of Funk’s corner. Woods taking the fight to Tensai. Truth in, unloading on Tensai in the corner. Spinning heel kick by Truth. Tensai with a shoulderblock. Clay with a forearm across Truth’s back.  Truth with a series of kicks. Truth catches Clay with a kick to the jaw. Woods unloads on Clay. Clay pushes him into the corner. Woods gets the boots up, Woods hits the Honour Roll on Clay. Clay with the T-bone Suplex. Big splash in the corner by Clay. Clay misses a splash and Woods rolls him up for the three count

The winners of the match: R-Truth & Xavier Woods

-Commercial 9:16-

 Alberto Del Rio vs Sin Cara

As the bell sounded, Cole announced that Natalya will challenge A.J. Lee for the Divas Title in two weeks at TLC. As the match started (complete with Sin Cara mood lighting), Lawler hyped the Lucha Libre style of wrestling, then JBL went back to the 2012 commentary about Sin Cara being "really, really ugly." The announcers continued to cut up as Del Rio worked on Cara. Del Rio went for a big corner enziguiri, but completely airballed when Cara ducked. Sin Cara capitalized with a top-rope splash, then pinned Del Rio for the pin and the win, shocking the crowd. Sin Cara celebrated in the crowd while Del Rio recovered on the floor.

The winner of the match: Sin Cara

-Commercial 9:30-

Backstage: Renee Paquette brought in World Hvt. champion John Cena. Cena talked about what being Unified WWE champion would mean - combining the WWE Title and the history of the World Hvt. Title. Cena said if you lived in the South, you were about stylin' and profilin' (Ric Flair). But, if you lived in the North, you were about the pythons, brother (Hulk Hogan). Cena said now they are one big universe and it would mean everything to him be Unified WWE champion.

Shield Handheld: In a dimly-lit closet or holding area, The Shield cut a promo on C.M. Punk. Dean Ambrose signed off to believe in The Shield.

-Commercial 9:36-

Rhodes Dynasty & Big Show vs The Shield

Big Show lit up Ambrose's chest with an early frying-pan-like chop to the chest, which the announcers missed while arguing about The Authority punishing Punk and Bryan at TLC. Show then bodyslammed Rollins before taunting Reigns on the ring apron. Show chucked Rollins across the ring and Rollins reached up to tag Reigns, matching up the two big men. Show controlled this big-man exchange, then gave Reigns a monster chop to the chest, waking up the crowd. Reigns tried to fight back with chops, but Show body-shotted him back into the corner. Reigns eye-raked Show to escape, bringing in Ambrose, who tried to chop down Show. But, Show grappled Ambrose and launched him off the top rope. Show had enough for now and tagged in Goldust. As Goldust battled The Shield, WWE cut to a backstage shot of C.M. Punk watching the match on a monitor. Cody then tagged in and worked on Rollins as the announcers brought up The Undertaker and The Rock as past victims of The Shield. Cody smashed Ambrose with a top-rope moonsault, then teased Cross Rhodes, but Ambrose slipped to the ring apron, where he gut-shotted Cody to give The Shield control again. Shield in control heading to break.

-Commercial 9:50-

 Back from break, Shield continued to dominate Cody, instructing him just to stay down. Cody refused to stay down, though, and made his corner to tag in Big Show. Show tried to build momentum working on Reigns, but Ambrose pulled down to the top rope to send Show tumbling to the floor. Show was nearly counted out, but made it back into the ring. Reigns then put the boots to Show as Punk continued to watch the match backstage. Back in the ring, Reigns big-booted Show in the neck region a few times, but couldn't put Show away. Ambrose then tagged in and continued to put the boots to Show. "Classic tag team wrestling," Cole said. Because if it were "tag team sports-entertaining," they would be doing juggling tricks at an NBA halftime show. JBL quickly inserted "sports entertainment" back into the discussion to erase that "wrestling" word usage At the top of the hour, Show dropped Reigns with a big chokeslam to break free. Show then tagged in Goldust moments after Rollins tagged in. Goldust and Rollins are legal. Goldust scored with offense, but Shield double-teamed Goldust until Show pulled down the top rope to send Ambrose spilling to the floor. Suddenly, Reigns came out of nowhere to spear Big Show on the floor. But, Cody flew onto Reigns with a big splash. Cody sold a left arm/shoulder injury. Now, Ambrose and Goldust fighting in the ring. Goldust wanted to superplex Ambrose onto Rollins, but Rollins moved just as Goldust superplexed Ambrose. Rollins then immediately rolled up Goldust following the superplex for a three count to win. On commentary, Cole wondered what Punk is going to do when he faces three-on-one odds at TLC.

The winners of the match: The Shield

-Commercial 10:04-

Backstage: Renee Paquette was standing by with C.M. Punk to discuss The Shield. Renee asked Punk to react to facing Shield in a handicap match at the TLC PPV. Punk took a deep breath, then went nuts talking about how excited he is about the creative genius who came up with this idea. Punk then mockingly "sports-entertained" with music from "West Side Story." Punk got serious and said he's going down. And he's taking The Shield with him.

Arena: Wade Barrett has some bad news. It's about Thanksgiving. Barrett said as a result of eating unhealthy food, Americans's arteries are clogged, they sweat when they eat, and they are all constipated. #BadNewsBarrett flashed on the screen again. Should have been #McMahonHumor.

Backstage: The Miz and Kofi Kingston had an uneasy meeting. Kofi extended his hand and Miz reluctantly shook. Lawler said they are reluctantly giving it another go as a tag team against Ryback and Curtis Axel.

-Commercial 10:10-

The Miz & Kofi Kingston vs Ryback & Curtis Axel

As the match started, the announcers discussed the history of WWE champions and World champions. As for the match, Ryback displayed his power with a delayed vertical suplex on Miz. "Yeaaaahhhhhh!" Axel shouted from the ring apron. Ryback continued to toy with Miz as Axel shouted verbal insults from the ring apron. Miz finally escaped Ryback and tagged in Kofi, who ducked a clothesline, causing Miz to take the blow from Ryback. After some chaos, Ryback settled things down with Shell Shock to Kofi. Ryback then pinned Kofi for the pin and the win.

The winners of the match: Ryback & Curtis Axel

Post-match: Axel confidently left the ring with Ryback, who smiled at his work. Back in the ring, Miz helped up Kofi, then slapped him across the face. Miz promptly left the ring with a scowl on his face. "Are you kidding me?" Kofi asked. The announcers played it up as the two of them trying to make each other better competitors.

Merch Table: Los Matadores tried to sell some merchandise, but El Torito entered the scene and played an animal trying to grab all of the items, ruining their sales pitch. Diego and Fernando calmed down El Torito, then completed the sales pitch.

Raw Last Monday: John Cena dropped Alberto Del Rio with an AA, but Randy Orton blindsided Cena and stood tall to close Raw with possession of both top title belts. The contract signing is coming up.

-Commercial 10:25-

Mark Henry vs Fandango

Fandango tried to distract Henry with dancing, which was the First Hour when Tons of Funk and XavierTruth feuded over dance moves. Henry was not in the mood and ran over Fandango. Well, maybe he was in the mood, as he gyrated in front of Summer Rae. Fandango tried to use the distraction to his advantage, but Henry back-elbowed him. A brief "Sexual Chocolate" chant came up as Henry continued to use dance moves.
Henry missed with a corner charge, though. Fandango then went on the offensive before coming off the top rope with a big splash. Henry tried to catch him, but Fandango fell on top of Henry and collapsed on top of him for a nearfall. Moments later, they went to Fandango falling into Henry's arms for a World's Strongest Slam. It was good for the win. Post-match, Henry did more dance moves toward Summer Rae, who refused Henry's advances.

The winner of the match: Mark Henry

-Commercial 10:35-

The Real Americans vs The Prime Time Players

Titus was knocked to the outside early on, prompting the announcers to wonder if Titus is starting to get sick again. The modern-day Droz tried to fight back on Swagger, but the Real Americans cornered him to keep Titus away from D-Young. Swagger Bomb, then a double-stomp to Titus's stomach. Young had enough and broke up a pin attempt. Meanwhile, the announcers continued to offer stomach-ache-related one-liners and quips about Titus's condition. Cesaro grappled Titus for the Big Swing, which no one wanted to see. But, Cesaro did it anyways. Titus sold losing his lunch, then Zeb got on the ring apron and told Cesaro to stop because he's going to puke again. Cesaro took his instructions as Titus held his stomach, did some over-the-top facial reactions, and stumbled back into his corner to tag in D-Young. Young tagged in and cleaned house as Titus recovered on the floor. Young got over-zealous and tried a top-rope attack on Cesaro, but Cesaro intercepted with a big European Uppercut. It was good for the pin and the win on Young. As the Americans celebrated on the outside, Titus continued to sell the possibility of throwing up.

The winners of the match: The Real Americans

-Commercial 10:50-

Contract Signing

In-ring: Triple H's music played to bring out Hunter and Stephanie McMahon. The Authority walked past a collection of tables, ladders, and chairs positioned in and around the ring before arriving in the ring. Hunter spoke first that they have scheduled a monumental match for the TLC PPV in two weeks. Stephanie reinforced that there will be one winner, one Undisputed, Unified champion. "We guarantee it," she said. Stephanie then introduced WWE champion Randy Orton first. Orton hit the ring and posed in the corner as Hunter and Stephanie clapped it up for him. Stephanie then introduced his opponent, the World Hvt. champion John Cena to loud screams from the crowd. Cole name-dropped Ric Flair, saying only Flair has held more World Titles than Cena, who hit the ring to applause from The Authority. Once everyone was in the ring, Hunter thanked both men for coming out here. Hunter told them to sit or stand, whatever. Steph sarcastically thanked Orton for his message about being bigger than WWE, then Hunter hyped his personal titleholder. Hunter name-dropped past champions, with "Stone Cold" Steve Austin getting the loudest pop. Hunter then name-dropped past World champions, with Ric Flair getting loud "whoos" and Shawn Michaels getting the loudest pop. Steph again interjected with a "Triple H" name-drop, drawing boos. Hunter said unifying the titles has been something they have been thinking about for a long time. But, they needed both champions going into the match to be The Face of WWE. And they have reached that time with both Cena and Orton. Hunter said they have a moment in time to cement their legacies forever. Orton sat off to the side contemplating this, then stood up and surveyed the contract. Hunter presented Orton with the pen and Orton signed the contract as Stephanie looked on. Hunter then presented Cena with the contract, which Cena hurriedly signed. Once the title match was official, Steph gave them a chance to speak about the match. Orton spoke first. Orton said he is better than all former champions, including Cena. But, that's why The Authority chose him to be the Face of WWE. Besides, they don't like John Cena very much. The crowd responded with cheers and boos. Orton said he is the only one capable of taking down Cena and putting him out of his misery. Cena coughed to interrupt. He mockingly introduced himself as World Hvt. champion John Cena, prompting Orton to have an IED moment telling him to shut up. Orton reminded Cena that he kicked his dad in the head a few years ago. And since then, he's made a great career for himself destroying the hopes and dreams of his opponents. Orton said despite all of Cena's accomplishments, the only reason why he was put on God's green earth is to lose the biggest match ---"Would you just shut up?!" Cena shouted. Cena mocked Orton's speech, then went back to 10 years ago when Hunter hand-picked Orton to be a success in WWE, but he never lived up to his potential. Ever. Orton wiped his head in frustration. Cena said he doesn't fault Hunter because he picked the most-gifted WWE star ever. But, with that, he got cocky and a bad attitude to boot. Then, he got lazy. Orton seethed. Cena said Orton got lazy, so he took his spot. Cena said he's the first to show up and last to leave. Cena said Orton thinks he should be given everything because of his legacy and family history, so he should think in one hand and crap in the other, then see which one fills up faster. Cena said if Orton gets anything from him at TLC, he will have earned it. Cena said he's not the Apex Predator, just John Cena. Cena gave him two options: leave or make a move. But, listen up. Cena tossed the baseball cap. If Orton so much as makes one single move right now, this audience will be reminded of what a TLC match really is. So, is he going to step up or step aside? Orton tried to dump the contract table on Cena, but Cena ducked and tackled Orton. The brawl spilled out to ringside, where Cena delivered a ladder shot to the shoulder. Cena continued to unload on Orton, who fought back with headbutts. Orton posted Cena, then cleared the announce table. But, Cena came back with a steel chair jab to the gut. Cena removed his t-shirt, then jabbed Orton in the gut again. Back in the ring, Orton pushed a ladder into Cena's face, temporarily KO'ing the World champ. Orton then picked up a chair and popped the chair across Cena's back. And again. More jabs to the chest. Cole said the crowd is in a frenzy right now as Orton began re-arranging furniture in the ring. Orton took too long to follow up, allowing Cena to recover and chuck Orton through a table propped up in the corner. Cena then did a Thumbs Up / Thumbs Down motion. Cena wanted an Attitude Adjustment, and he drove Orton through another table. Cole called it a major statement by the World champion. Cena then reversed last week's ending by holding up both top titles while standing tall over Orton. Cole said there will be only one Unified champion in two weeks at TLC. Raw signed off 15 minutes past the top of the hour with Cena continuing to stand tall.

-End Show-

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